
Download Fotosizer Professional Edition + keygen

Fotosizer is software to convert photo sizes. Using Fotosizer, you can easily resize, rotate, rename your friends in groups.

Fotosizer Professional Edition feature

Batch Resize and optimization
Easily adjust the size of options by choosing between changing the size of the mode according to how you want to resize your photo.
Choose to change the size based on the width and height percentages
Choose to set special width and height
Resize by selecting only one side of the image and automatically resizing the other side.
Make all your photos the same size regardless of their dimensions by adding padding, using the Pad resizing mode.
Maintain aspect ratio
Select where the resized image will be saved
Change portrait and landscape photos simultaneously.
Resize quickly and easily using a list of predefined sizes including the screen size of the iPod, iPhone and Sony PSP.
Crop the image.
Apply PNG image optimization.

Easy image selection
Select your image from Windows File Explorer, use the context menu right-click, then select the "Resize with Photosizer" option.
Select the image you want to resize using the Add Image button in the Photosizer.
Select the image folder using the Add Folder button in the Photosizer.
Drag and drop your picture or folder into the Image selection list in Photosizer.
Include sub-folders when adding from a folder.

Dark display mode
Select to display the Fotosizer using the classic "Light" display mode.
Select to display the Fotosizer using the new "Dark" display mode.

Batch rotation
Flip images vertically
Flip the image horizontally
Rotate 90 degrees Counter Clockwise
Rotate 90 degrees Clockwise
Rotate 180 degrees
Auto rotate by Camera orientation information (EXIF) (Professional Edition)

Apply Effects
Change the visual appearance of your photos using the Fotosizer effect:
  • White black
  • Negative
  • Sepia
  • Pixelate
  • Lomo
  • Scheme
  • One color
  • Polaroid
  • Vintage / old photos
Copy EXIF ​​camera information
Copy EXIF ​​(JPEG) information, copy the information stored with photos to photos that are resized like:
  • Camera model
  • Shutter speed
  • Date image taken
  • Make equipment
  • and again ...
Keep the date
Choose which date attribute of your photo is retained when you change its size:

Copy the date of the original creation
Copy the original modification date
Copy the original image taken date

Save all settings in the profile
Reload the settings profile to quickly use general settings
Delete profile settings
Save settings to an existing profile or create a new profile
Revert back to Fotosizer default settings easily
Easily return to the last setting you used

Image format supported
Fotosizer supports importing and exporting common image formats:
TIFF - Tagged Image File Format (.tiff, .tif)
TIFF - Multiple Page Marked Image File Formats (.tiff, .tif)
JPEG - Joint Photography Expert Group (.jpeg, .jpg, .jpe, .jfif)
GIF - Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
GIF - GIF Animation (.gif)
BMP - Bitmap (.bmp)
PNG - Portable Network Graphics (.png)
WMF - Windows MetaFile (.wmf)
EMF - Windows Enhanced MetaFile (.ff)
Live Preview
See real-time preview of settings to resize, watermark and other effects right on the photo you change so there are no surprises afterwards. Know exactly how the photo will look before.

Choose between the size of the actual photo in the preview or the photo fit to the window to see everything.

Move between each photo to see how they will change.

Displays new dimensions and new file sizes per image in the preview.

Text Watermark
Apply text watermarks to images
Select text, format, color, position, rotation, and opacity of the watermark
Add symbols and text parameters such as filename, current date, date of photo taken, EXIF ​​camera information ?? as a watermark
Choose a single color or gradient color
Select the color of the border, the size of the outline and the color of the shadow and the size of the shadow of the watermark text
Select to set the background color for the text watermark.
Reduce the font size to fit the target image.

Image Watermark
Apply image watermark to image
Select the position, rotation and opacity of the image watermark
Select to change the size of the image watermark proportionally to the target image.
Select to change the size of the image watermark to a fixed size.

Color Adjustment
Apply changes to the brightness in the image
Apply the Contrast change to the image
Apply changes to image Hue levels
Apply changes to image color saturation levels
Automatically adjust white balance on the images

Round Corner
Choose to apply rounded corners for all, or choice of angles in the image
Select the size of the corner radius for rounded corners
Choose a background color for rounded corners

Batch Rename
Batch rename using parameters
Include the photo index number in the filename using the% N parameter
The ability to choose the initial number for the% N index
Include various parameters such as date, dimension, folder name, file name

Automatic update
Choose when and if an update for Fotosizer is installed.
Updates for Fotosizer are downloaded and installed automatically, not requiring you to download manually. (Professional Fotosizer)
Check for updates in the background when you use Fotosizer which allows you to continue using.

Settlement action
Select to move the original image to the folder when it's finished.
Select to delete the original image permanently when finished.
Choose to delete the original image to recycle garbage when it's finished.

Fotosizer is available in the following languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese (Traditional) Areas of Taiwan, China (Simplified), Dutch, Danish, Bulgarian, Norway, Slovakia, Slovenia, Korea, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Serbia (Latin), Czech, Polish, Latvian, Arabic (Saudi Arabia), Hindi, Vietnam, Sweden, Finland, Armenia, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia.

Download Fotosizer Professional Edition + keygen

Size : 4.46 MB



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