
Download Google Web Designer Build

This program facilities a modern and comfortable working environment for creating interactive ad banners to be used in the Google result page. It includes rich features in user-friendly form.

The main program window has a streamlined look which blends with the Windows 8 appearence, providing quick access to options and configuration parameters.

It is also possible to estalish expaned dimension and the banner orientation mode, as well as to point out the CSS, JavaScript and XML file locations on the disk.

Before exporting the project, you can view it in the preferred web browser. Publishing options allow you to create ZIP archives, enable polite loading mode, and implement CSS prefix for Mozilla, among others.

This program uses a surprisingly low amount of CPU and RAM. It has a good response time and runs smoothly, withoout causing the OS hang, crash or show error messages. All in all, it comes equipped with the essantial toolkt for creating Goole banners seamlessly.

  • Interactive software
  • User-friendly interface
  • Dynamic workflow
  • Allows animations
  • Has Google integrations

System Required

OS : Windows


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